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Walther ARMS USA


Buy Walther Arms handguns online. Walther Firearms has been renown throughout the world for its innovation since Carl Walther and his son, Fritz, created the first semi-automatic pistol in 1886. Today, the innovative spirit of its founders lives on as the company celebrates more than 130 years as one of the world’s leading premium manufacturers of sporting, defense and competition firearms. Browse through a list of Walther Arms such as the Walther  PPK, Walther PPQ, Walther PPQ M2, Walther 9MM, Walther PPKS, Walther Q5, Walther P38 and many others which are sure to provide maximum satisfaction and leave all our customers satisfied. We guarantee Maximum efficiency with minimal effort on all of our products. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority. Thats why we base and pride ourselves on producing the highest quality firearms which are all offered at the best prices. Walther Firearms has been manufacturing world-class firearms, and our new catalog is filled with even more excellent products.